24-03-2005 15:44:45
My 1st post here, so hello to all of you. Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm pretty close to getting an Ipod from the Gratis folks. I'm only one referral away. A buddy of mine said he would be my last referral, but he's not interested in signing up for a free ipod, (cause he got one for X-mas), BUT he is interested in working on getting a free Xbox from the site. So my question is, if he clicked on my referral link and clicked on the pull down menu on the top right, switching to free gaming systems, would I get credited for him? Plus, how many offers do you have to complete to get an Xbox?
24-03-2005 15:51:55
He wouldn't get credit the way you're thinking. An XBox is 4 referrals. He only gets credit for the sites he signs up for through your referral link for those sites.
thomas moore
24-03-2005 19:21:01
if he already signed up and registered via your ref link, then whenever he wants to access his account on free gaming systems he could use the top navigational bar to get there lets say if he was at freeipods then used the bar to go to freegaming system he would have to login under member login OR he could stay logged in so when he uses the navigation bar to switch from the freeipods site to the freegaming systems site he would already be logged in and ready to go. i hope that clears it up a bit more ?