About freeiPod.com offers?
23-03-2005 10:49:13
Ok im planning on doing this free iPod thing soon.. i know that this works and i have all of it planned out with my referrals and everything. Now.. this question i have is.. I plan on doing this offer.. its the one about the video professor.. its a free dvd but of course.. you have to pay the shipping and handling which is $7.. This is only a one time fee right? Its not a club or anything? I just want to make sure about this..
23-03-2005 10:57:02
yeah it should be a one time fee....you can always return the thing...
23-03-2005 10:59:06
No, you must cancel if you do not like the service otherwise you will be charged. Of course, on this board, we do not talk about cancelling so no more of that. )
23-03-2005 10:59:30
So would everyone here say that that is the easiest offer to do to get the free iPod.. cuz that is considered ONE referral then.. right? lol
23-03-2005 11:00:43
But how is video professor a service??
23-03-2005 11:01:19
Try travelers advantage....its quick and easy
hey scottg check your PM
23-03-2005 11:02:05
[quote4173c7d78a="ScottG"]But how is video professor a service??[/quote4173c7d78a]
Their service of making the cd-roms and sending them too you. That's not my point, my point is that you will be charged another fee after the $7 if you do not cancel. Not sure what the time frame is.
23-03-2005 11:02:34
you need to complete one referal yourself...then get 5 people to do offers under your link
23-03-2005 11:04:36
Yea i know the whole thing about the 5 referrals and i got that all under control.. im just asking if this video professor thing is charging me a monthly charge or someting??
23-03-2005 11:06:01
[quoteaef17e8791="ScottG"]Yea i know the whole thing about the 5 referrals and i got that all under control.. im just asking if this video professor thing is charging me a monthly charge or someting??[/quoteaef17e8791]
Read the freakin' TOS.
23-03-2005 11:07:24
just like what collateral said....you will get charged another fee after your $6.95 shipping if you decide not to cancel...dont know the price
23-03-2005 11:07:38
[quote5320ec8a69]At the end of any trial, pre-paid or other promotional period, we will begin billing your credit card for subscription fees at the current rate in effect for your use of the Video Professor Online Web Site plus any applicable sales taxes. For your convenience, we will charge the subscription fee (plus any taxes) to the credit card you provide to us during registration (or to a different credit card if you change your account information). Your subscription to the Video Professor Online Web Site will automatically renew for successive subscription periods, without prior notice to you, unless and until you cancel your subscription or we terminate it.[/quote5320ec8a69]
23-03-2005 11:10:04
you dont have to be an alilihole about it!! Its a simple question! you dont have to reply, no one has a gun to your head telling you to answer my questions! All i wanted to know is if im charged anything after i buy the dvd from them and dont cancel.. Yes.. or No.. or do i just get spammed do death by them?
23-03-2005 11:11:02
there ya go....theres also other offers that you might wanna try...i heard eFax plus is pretty good....
23-03-2005 11:11:34
OK THANK YOU!! lol Thats all i wanted to know.. so basically if i do this.. get my dvd.. then cancel with them.. im alright..right?
23-03-2005 11:11:51
you dont have to be an alilihole about it!! Its a simple question! you dont have to reply, no one has a gun to your head telling you to answer my questions! All i wanted to know is if im charged anything after i buy the dvd from them and dont cancel.. Yes.. or No.. or do i just get spammed do death by them?[/quote28044232a1]
I got mad cuz I already answered you... No need to ask twice.
23-03-2005 11:12:34
if you decide to keep going after the trial period theyll charge you
23-03-2005 11:16:27
and if i cancel.. it still counts as one right?
23-03-2005 11:19:42
yes hopefully you get credit for it....hey check ur PM
23-03-2005 12:44:29
video professor will charge you for the DVD unless you return it, so unless you really want it, then don't do it.
23-03-2005 13:05:10
ScottG one more comment about cancelation and you will be bant from this site
23-03-2005 14:23:49
sorry bout that.. wont happen again
23-03-2005 16:35:50
DVD rentals seem to be the most popular offer in order to get FREE iPods, PSPs etc... in my opinion