30-09-2004 11:05:32
I have my mom and my sister(both with same last name as me) doing ipod offers, but we live at different addresses. Will this work, is there anyone else that are using their family to complete offers. I read the terms and services and it wasn't clear whether or not you could do this. The only thing i noticed is that only one offer per household. Also the billing information on the credit cards we are using have our respective seperate addresses.
Has anyone else tried this
30-09-2004 11:19:29
You won't have any problems there
PD 400th Post D
30-09-2004 11:31:43
My father and sister (both at different addresses) each completed an offer for me without any problem...of course, I've been STV since August 10th, although I doubt that had anything to do with who my refs were
30-09-2004 12:30:10
My parents live on the same street as I do but different address and were rejected. After several communications with Gratis they took me off hold but refused to give me credit for my parent's referral.
30-09-2004 12:40:04
Then THEY should email Gratis, and maybe then they'll add it back?
30-09-2004 15:04:53
Maybe I'll try that. I hadn't really thought about it. After several communications with Gratis, being taken off hold and then put back on hold and then taken off again, I just resided myself to get some other referrals. I haven't even told my parents it was rejected. They don't even know what an iPod is. They were just trying to help me out.