21-03-2005 08:53:43
Hey all, I've been processing since 3/8 and I'm hoping today will be the day! It's about time!!!!
What time do they usually make these changes? (I went processing at 747pm which is later than I'd expect, but maybe they approved me earlier in the business day and I didn't realize until the evening?)
((((((((((STV Hopes))))))))))))
21-03-2005 11:35:48
Hmm....been processing since 3/15 and no STV yetti, spaghetti. lol
22-03-2005 07:14:22
argh.. I sent in a customer service request a few days ago and I got the generic response. Then I sent a followup yesterday and got the "we will get back to you soon" canned response. Hopefully they get back to me soon, or STV! My fam/friends are starting to get skeptical...