29-09-2004 19:09:35
anybody see this tonight? they had the CEO of Gratis on the phone talkinga bout freeipods.com.
he said they have about 1000 orders processing and they WILL get them all out if people are patient. he said they are working very hard with their vendors to be able to have orders shipped the same week they are ordered and he thinks they are getting close to that.
Kevin and alex (hosts) said they felt reassured after talking with him on the phone.
29-09-2004 19:15:19
[quote23d3eba4e9="Icarus"]have orders shipped the same week they are ordered and he thinks they are getting close to that.[/quote23d3eba4e9]
Yeah, I've been STV since 8/12. That's 7 weeks now!
Don't get me wrong, I am very happy to be recieving a freeipod and all. I just think saying that they are getting close to having orders shipped the same week is just a SLIGHT exageration.
Anyway - thanks for the post, good to know they are working on it...
29-09-2004 19:40:37
well no, he realizes the problem with the speed right now. he said they are close to making deals with the vendors to get it to be 1 week.
29-09-2004 20:02:21
Well, perhaps he knows a larger shipment is coming to "catch-up" the backlog and then they'll get the newer orders out quicker. It seems as if a lot of us signed up/finished from the beginning of August until mid-September. That would be around the time the Wired article appeared (which is how I got turned onto Gratis). My guess is they had this huge bubble to contend with and they were unprepared to handle it.
So while Gratis is probably spinning things some, if this CEO is trying to build a legit business in any way, he's not going to lie outright as he prepares to launch new Web sites. Just doesn't make sense.
29-09-2004 20:31:34
i totally agree with all of that.
29-09-2004 21:58:34
rumor has been going around about just what the CEO said. supposedly a big rush is in the works lishrugsli
29-09-2004 22:43:07
you're all getting free ipods!!! (for the 7 weeks person that means you're earning about 40-50 dollars per week... for doing NOTHING) haha.
29-09-2004 22:52:31
[quotea83c958f91="ThisSunAlsoRises"]you're all getting free ipods!!! (for the 7 weeks person that means you're earning about 40-50 dollars per week... for doing NOTHING) haha.[/quotea83c958f91]
that isn't hte point anymore. People got thier ipods shipped 1 day after they signed up even though we've been waiting a month at that point.
Which is bs .
I wouldn't have minded waiting if they kept going in order. But the hpipods pissed mee off
29-09-2004 23:55:31
[quote4af4e953bc="EliteABombAZ"]I got it Tivo'd wink[/quote4af4e953bc]
can u put it on ur comp and upload to a site so we can download it
30-09-2004 00:00:47
maybe their server crashed and they lost everone that was around the 8/6 period and they're trying to figure out what they're gonna do... lol that would suck...
30-09-2004 00:50:10
I know they get tons of e-mails, but have any of the 8/6'ers asked Gratis if there's been a mess up with their order?
[quote78c47abda1="ThisSunAlsoRises"]maybe their server crashed and they lost everone that was around the 8/6 period and they're trying to figure out what they're gonna do... lol that would suck...[/quote78c47abda1]
ahh this would be tragic
30-09-2004 13:42:41
[quotee436e7c146="EliteABombAZ"]I got it Tivo'd wink[/quotee436e7c146]
i'm sure BOS would like that
30-09-2004 13:59:33
What really amazed me was that the CEO didn't mention any of the other freebie sites.
Why wouldn't you plug your other projects?
30-09-2004 14:05:54
He may have been told he could go on to talk about the iPod issue, but NOT be allowed to plug his other sites. My guess is they wanted to let Gratis tell their side, but didn't want to give them free advertising.
30-09-2004 14:32:55
With the pressure from consumers and being on G4 several times in the last few weeks trying to defend themselves, I believe Gratis is going to send a massive number of Ipods out, 600 or more at once.
The company is based on being legitimate, if they continue to fail, they will lose their meal ticket with advertisers. And once the aols and the like leave, it's all down hill from there.
I know we are getting an Ipod for free, but we did our part, we got the referrals and they got there money on the back end. So I think it is time they pony up with the product. Even if it means they have to shave their profit margins.