29-09-2004 18:50:27
Ok whats going on. i have my security preferences set to default, and i dont use a popup blocker. I am using IE 6.5, and everythings set to default in the options and everything.
i've signed up on freepc for efax, no credit.
i've signed up on freeipod for, no credit.
they both are supposed to be instant. its been 2 days for both. I'm guessing credit isnt going to magically just pop up on my account, so what the heck.
I have to wait freaking 15 days to email them, and when i do email them, im guessing they're going to assume im lying, or not going to give me the credit in the end anyways.
29-09-2004 22:37:19
I'm having the exact same problem. I signed up for 4 offers so far on freeipod and I haven't gotten credit for a single one of them. I've tried using different browsers, enabling my cookies, and everything. Don't waste your time emailing them, you'll never hear back.
I suggest getting on a different computer, making sure you don't have any security stuff installed, no anti-virus, no firewall, all cookies enabled, no security, etc. and try it again. Cancel the other offer.
Instant credit should come in your email instantly. If it doesn't, then there is a problem.
29-09-2004 22:41:08
default is too high for some offers because they're shown as third party or session cookies, which default doesn't allow. search "cookie monster"
30-09-2004 04:00:42
[quote33c4aaf1db="ThisSunAlsoRises"]default is too high for some offers because they're shown as third party or session cookies, which default doesn't allow. search "cookie monster"[/quote33c4aaf1db]
if so, then gratis needs to fix something or come up with a non-cookie process, because 90% of the people dont read message boards and crap to learn to disable their cookies. they need to make this fair to everyone, not just the people that realize that the cookies are being blocked. UHG. SO FRUSTRATING.
Very dissatisfied. Especially since out of my 7 yellows, i know 3 have signed up without getting credit. I would have been over half way done. Now im stuck at 0 greens and am NEVER going to get this offer done. GRRR!!!!! >{ >{
30-09-2004 05:19:49
I never had an issue and I even used Safari and not IE.
30-09-2004 08:43:51
Well, I signed up for the citibank student credit card when they first had it. Now I have it sitting in my drawer. I emailed them to ask if I could fax them the info I got from them. Never heard back from them.
So, I signed up for ebay. Never got credit. Emailed them and never heard back. Then, they removed both of those offers from their site.
So, yesterday I signed up for Boca Java and I know it worked, because I got two emails from them, but no credit from freeipods. My friend signed up for the same boca java offer and instantly got credit, but I didn't.
So, I went through and made sure all my cookies were turned on, all popups and referrals were being sent, no sites were being blocked through my spyware programs or anything and I signed up for Miracleburn. Again, no credit.
This is really very irritating because you can't contact them, and I already have 5 referrals so I'm just trying to complete one of their damn offers and it won't take any of them. I'm about ready to just call them or report them to the BBB for fraud.