20-03-2005 10:46:24
Hi, ok heres my problem, before I started to do freephotoipods i made an account just to check how many refs you had to do (I dont even remember the email I put). Then after I did my account with my email and I tried to get refferals. So far i have 1 green. Do you guys think I will put on hold or should I continue to get my refferals? Please help. Thank You.
23-03-2005 18:19:07
I question that, im thinking no just cuase i used to have two free ipod accounts, one was never touched, as long as you have zero referrals (even yellows) and didn't verify email and never use it again you shouldn't get placed on hold, and if you do tell them your sistuation, that you accidently had two accounts, and one was never used.
23-03-2005 20:05:20
one of my referrals signed up for a gratis site using the wrong referral link but i caught them just in time and they had only entered an email address and a password, no name, shipping address etc. and they never verified the email address b/c they never got an email from gratis. they signed up for the same site again using the correct referral link this time and entered name/address and did an offer this time. should that be ok?