29-09-2004 07:42:26
Hey, I have a college address....I pick my mail up in a Box but when i give someone my address i dont need to write in P.O. Box because it is one address they my school just does it by name...
For Example
Joe Doe
2343 Station Avenue
Fakevill, PA 12321
Thats how it is written....do i have to sign for the ipod or can i let my school get it and notify me down at the mail center?
Just because of the NO PO BOX policy
29-09-2004 08:15:02
do you have an APT number or something?
because that would mean different household, right now if anybody else uses that address for the dorms you would violate TOC.
But usually a front desk holds packages. I know that's what happened at my dorm when I was there. your mail box is not a PO box. you should be ok.
Make sure your front desk can hold packages though.
29-09-2004 09:09:40
Worst case scenario just have one of those bastards with 2 ipods send you one of theirs. 8)
29-09-2004 10:47:46
When I list my address, I would put room number as well. That way it's not the same address and you're not violating any TOS.
29-09-2004 19:21:33
I have recieved packages from people before and the school holds them at the mail room. I just didnt know if you need to sign for it or somthing.
29-09-2004 19:35:46
Dude, send it to me and I will remail it to you. D
30-09-2004 18:57:12
I was telling alot of my referrals who were at college to have their ipod/flatscreens/computers shipped to their parents address... but it turns out that that was unnecessary... think about it... the college crowd is Gratis's bread and butter... so all you have to do is turn your college box number into an apt #.
John Doe
123 College Ave #231
City, ST, 00000
It works with Gratis and it should work at your school
(besides... a college box number is not the same as a PO box)
Hope that helps
30-09-2004 20:29:45
Wait I usually have packages sent to my box number here at college like
123 College Ave.
Box 8042
City, St Zip
So that wouldn't be allowed?
I'd send it to my home address, but there's usually no one at home to sign for a package.
30-09-2004 22:09:43
No, the box won't work... you want to use "apt." or "#"