Does Gratis Use IP's to frevent fraud?

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17-03-2005 05:39:27

OK, so I found out yesterday that my brother had started a FreePSPs account on the same IP as my account. My account doesn't have any referrals yet, I have just completed my offer. Now, he says that he never put in our address, yet he can login. I don't even remember the order of sign up, is this even possible? He also has not confirmed the account via email. Would Gratis consider an unconfirmed - uncompleted account on the same IP and possibly same address enough for a hold?

If so, can I take my mom's Credit Card and sign up at her workplace, or will they see her Credit Card's address as our home and put that on hold too? Ah! So confusing! Thanks for any help!


17-03-2005 07:04:22

from my understanding gratis has become better at this, email them with the situation and the account you want closed, like you said, o activity is o the account you wat closed so nnothig lost

and no, they can't see what CC you use because the companies that you give the CC info to can not show that information to anyone


17-03-2005 08:18:01

i think as long as he didn't complete an offer, it'll be considered as an 'oops' referral. but i'd make sure to email them.