15-03-2005 20:46:16
I have yet to receive credit for freeipods. I did a credit card offer like 4 months ago and have not gotten any credit and no response to my message to them. Anyone else with an issue like this?
thomas moore
15-03-2005 23:00:28
it happens, have you sent in a Customer Service inquiry? via the online forms under Help? if not do so...and see what they say sometimes gratis won't credit you and just tell you to go ahead and try another offer, i suggest a trilegiant offer for a dollar! travelers advantage is instant! good luck!
16-03-2005 01:07:13
It took me about two weeks after receiving the card before I got credit for it. I ended up having to fax the welcome letter the CC company sent me as proof.
16-03-2005 18:13:11
I am not able to post a comment on the site. For some reason it keeps comming back to me about selecting the offer and time i completed it, There is nothing to select just a text box.
[quoteaf412b8262="Twiggyboy"]I am not able to post a comment on the site. For some reason it keeps comming back to me about selecting the offer and time i completed it, There is nothing to select just a text box.[/quoteaf412b8262]
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