Hmm...So I've been STV on freedesktops for almost three weeks.
The first customer service inquiry I wrote was auot-replied to with this
>Due to the high volume of customer inquiries, we cannot provide each person with a time frame of when they will each receive their order.
When your order ships you will be notified and will receive tracking information (tracking number not applicable to to follow your order's shipment. Please be patient and your account will be updated when your order ships.
Again, we cannot provide individual order updates; your account will update itself as soon as any change to your order status occurs.
That was almost a week ago. cry
I've read people's posts on this forum and others about getting their cyberpower in under two weeks from STV date.
Any one have any information for the recent delay?
-wood shock
15-03-2005 13:47:12
No clue. I've been in "Processing" for almost 3 weeks as well, no idea what's going on...
The CS response is the standard one they send out) Ask them again, and you might get a human response;)
Well, shortly after posting my convorsation with gratis on here, I emailed the sales department at Cyberpower.
Suprisingly enough, I got a quick, detailed response. P
Here it is
[quote7d499c7572="CyberPower Sales"]
Mr. E
We did receive the order from Gratis Internet. Currently all Gratis
Internet's orders are being build and should be able to ship by Friday.
Please contact Gratis Internet's customer service for more detail.
Thank you,
Cyberpower, Inc.
So hopefully we will all see some changes soon )
16-03-2005 21:20:06
Please post pictures of what you get. )
I've got a feeling there will be variances between batches of orders sent out....
Sigh. New Issue with this account
18-03-2005 11:05:07
Anyway, I placed my third order for the DekstopPC today) I first ordered the Cyberpower, than changed my mind and after thinking a bit cancelled the order and ordered the Dimension 4700 (I was thinking of selling it on eBay), but after processing more than 2 weeks (and no need to sell it anymore) I ordered the Cyberpower again) I hope it gets done faster, and I receive it by mid-April. How long have you been Processing wood??
18-03-2005 21:23:41
My Cyberpower shipped pretty quickly after going "shipped" on, but that was after Cyberpower was sending out PCs that didn't quite meet the Gratis specs.
I think Gratis has had a few words with Cyberpower over that, so I eagerly await to see what you get. )