11-03-2005 06:11:08
after being fed up with my scratchy, staticy right earphone for the past week, i finally did a Google search on apple's service or replacement of them.
well i found a thread on www.ipodlounge.com's forum about Apple service page inside their website, so i decided to try it
i filled out the form to replace my earphones with my serial # and address on wednesday afternoon, and THURSDAY AFTERNOON they were at my doorstep, free of charge, no questions asked.
holy crap!
i never even registered my iPod yet! 8)
11-03-2005 10:03:20
wow thats amazing D !!! I love apple service check out my thread in the Off-topic section about my experience with apple they kick ass
11-03-2005 10:05:20
wow, did u even have to send the old ones back?
11-03-2005 10:05:51
This is great until peeps start abusing it