Live forum:


13-09-2004 15:50:25

Alright, i just completed the feel serenity offer but I haven't got any credit. waited 20 minutes. Nothing. Im truely mad right now. Does anybody know what I could do? I might try the offer but I would have to do that with a different adderess because i already did it.


13-09-2004 16:39:58

Just wait a little longer, AOL took 1 day for my friend and I got scared 1 day after signing up, but 3-4 days later i got credit, I don't know why it took long but just wait a little to see what happens, you can just work on getting 5 referals and get the credit later.


13-09-2004 17:19:04

I already have the 5 referals. AOL isnt instant, Feel Serenity is.


14-09-2004 05:13:19

I just completed Infone, still no credit. What do I have to do to recieve credit???


14-09-2004 05:35:18

how about wait a lil while. you probably got the bad infone screen.


14-09-2004 07:29:13

AOL took two days to get credit for me

blockbuster has been consistantly instant for my friends


14-09-2004 07:44:22

how could u get your ipod or TV? Location London, ON
u live in london confused


14-09-2004 08:54:58

Sending it to family in states, then im gettin them to send it here. I contaceted ffs and they told me that i can only use IE6, NO WERE on their site does it say not to use fireforx. WTF!


14-09-2004 09:26:31

Inferno69 Read around... That is pretty common knowledge anymore.


14-09-2004 09:38:34

Poor you... Thats what you get for not using IE...