"walking through"

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=807


27-09-2004 19:40:31

I figured this couldn't go into the account issues forum...

does making sure someone isn't getting their cookies blocked as they're signing up count as walking someone through it? Because i warned someone who was gonna sign up that they need to make sure no cookies are blocked and now they want help with it as they're signing up...


27-09-2004 19:46:04

what??? even if u do walk them through everything u gotta do, how is grattis gonna know? i walked all 5 of my refferals, and im waiting for my ipod...


27-09-2004 19:48:35

they're always watching..... always.... shock


27-09-2004 19:52:34

But really, how are they going to know you walked them through the offer? That sound like too much paranoya for me. They can't tell me anything if I told someone how to do the offer, that's ... ridiculous. And this will make ALL Free Ipod Guides out there against the rules.


27-09-2004 20:48:54

The only reason they say that is because they want people to sign up for something they are interested in instead of reading a guide that says "click here, here here and then click AOL and cancel it after 5 days". I doubt they give a crap if you walk them through, it just looks good to have that for the companies who pay Gratis.


27-09-2004 21:55:15

I got your point and I agree. This may be a reason. But I doubt they will dig into it and check anything.


27-09-2004 23:55:26

When you are dealing with the secondary company they cannot share that information with freeipods. They other company might see a trend and decide not to be with freeipods anymore, but I would doubt that. This is just a cost of doing business thing to them.


28-09-2004 08:06:50

Do you really need to walk someone through signing up for a service? Just tell them to sign up on their own and be big boys/girls.

Oh and walking through is bad, hmmmm'kay? Just, be cool.


28-09-2004 12:26:14

personally i think they have that "rule" so that people sign up for that survey crap at the beginning. so many people ask me if that's the offer theyre supposed to complete and get confused by the whole process