07-03-2005 18:57:54
HAHA! wow!
I signed up to back in july. I was pending in August. And it shipped out in September.
I was suppose to receive it on September 28. I remember waiting the whole day, not even going to school because my mom works, every five minutes I was tracking the package on the UPS website (just to make sure it didin't say something like... package returned.)
And at around 7 o'clock I checked and it said something along the lines of "Ipod refused by recevier, sent back by sender"
I went crazy, for the next few weeks I was on the phone with UPS and Ecost trying to get my Ipod back... no success. I had to talk to the guy in charge of gratis's account at ecost. he kept on telling me my ipod would come, but it didin't.
So back in january I joined prize.exfuga, and I quickly got enough people to get an Ipod, and the day I was gonna order, the site was closed down. I t was a scam... i felt like shit. Two ipods running away right infront of my eyes.
That was a month ago. I got back from school today, and i go in my room and i see a package. Im thinking its the shoes I ordered off footlocker, but I see the ecost logo on one of the stickers, and i go crazy.
07-03-2005 19:10:46
Wow, you sure went through a lot for that iPod. Congrats!
07-03-2005 23:10:17
haha, so they were right! it would come eventually, but how is it possible to delay it that long?
if only that ipod could talk... what stories he would tell!