27-09-2004 13:55:48
http/" alt=""/[/imga4893255d2]
shock [img="a4893255d2]http/" alt=""/[/imga4893255d2]
i'm soooo excited! and i'm glad it's on a monday so those 5 business days will be by friday so no weekend waiting! D
27-09-2004 13:57:55
It will probably be updated sooner than that.
27-09-2004 13:59:43
Good luck bro!
(this is wicked exciting, isn't it?)
27-09-2004 14:01:47
8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) It's like CHRISTMAS or HANNUKAH or KWANZA or RAMADAN (except you don't get presents for rammadan) uhhh. YES IT IS
27-09-2004 14:03:39
Did they change that thing about getting a few extra friends? I don't think mine said that. If they did, that was smart... good way to help get more referrals per account which means less iPods shipped out for them...
27-09-2004 14:18:31
how long does it normally take to get approved nowadays?
27-09-2004 14:26:39
Took me 3 business days, and that was about a week ago. Not sure about the processing stage, however...that seems to be taking considerably longer lately (up to 8 business days).
27-09-2004 14:49:51
Took me one night to get approved, but processing felt like an eternity....
27-09-2004 17:54:33
http// please go there and help a brother out with an explanation cry
27-09-2004 19:36:12
it took me about 3 hours to get approved, but then it took me 10 days of processing D
28-09-2004 03:08:17
My girlfriend has been waiting to be approved for about 5+ days. Weird.
28-09-2004 03:09:19
yea that's weird because i got unapproved ( lol ) in like 20 minutes. no joke.
28-09-2004 03:24:47
I don't remember all that stuff about going over all of your referrals when I submitted my order.
Pusha C
28-09-2004 04:25:37
[quotecda36412c3="ThisSunAlsoRises"]how long does it normally take to get approved nowadays?[/quotecda36412c3]
took me 12 days oops
28-09-2004 09:27:42
Yup...that and they checking your referral's referrals to determine if they put u on hold are part of the changes this program is going through
28-09-2004 09:30:05
This is why
Guy A signs up, has B do an offer, amongts others, and gets his pod.
B has A sign up w/dif email and do a dif offer.
fake referral.
28-09-2004 09:43:55
it took me like 3 hours, in the morning i had 4 referals, and when i came from school it was confirmed, and i ordered my ipod, it was 9/10
28-09-2004 11:58:12
[quotedbf1d397d6]Yup...that and they checking your referral's referrals to determine if they put u on hold are part of the changes this program is going through.[/quotedbf1d397d6]
Yeah that is pretty lame if you ask me. I understand that they want to eliminate fraud, and thats great, but they should just invalidate that referral instead of putting you on hold. You can't help it if you inadvertently refer a dishonest person.