04-03-2005 06:46:03
Here's the dilemma If I design promotions and send leads directly to 'free-ipods', or any other single site, (with my affiliate code embedded, of course), I DO get people that are MOSTLY interested in THAT SPECIFIC PRODUCT...BUT...obviously they have the opportunity to look at the other free products in the Gratis Universe and either JUMP SHIP on their initial sign-up with me, (eg. they get to I-PODS under my affiliate code, but then sign up for freepsps under the corporate account) OR, after they have signed up with me for ipods, they fill out enrollments for all the other gratis sites under the corp.
Is there a way around this? For example, sending leads to a web site with ALL the Gratis sites with my embedded links? Does that distract from the desire of the prospect to get the Ipod and/or confuse things to much? Anyone have any actual experience here? Thanks!