Just wondering if anyone has received a TV lately? Also, which one and did you keep it or sell it? How much did you get?
17-07-2008 19:07:18
I'm trying to earn the 26" HDTV Samsung right now...
17-07-2008 19:49:45
LOL, good luck. I didn't realize anyone did FreePay anymore.
19-08-2008 01:53:39
[quotebbafe7b912="outkast6229"]I'm trying to earn the 26" HDTV Samsung right now...[/quotebbafe7b912]hey, you wanna trade freepay greens?
19-08-2008 02:29:33
[quotecb7ebc05f2="JDBorough"][quotecb7ebc05f2="outkast6229"]I'm trying to earn the 26" HDTV Samsung right now...[/quotecb7ebc05f2]hey, you wanna trade freepay greens?[/quotecb7ebc05f2]
hey, this isn't the trading post