26-09-2004 15:24:46
First of all I want to say hello and thanks to everyone who helps answers the posts here. They really do help. Thanks guys.
My question is about Trimlife. I understand it charges you about $7 which is nothing. But after 14 days if you don't tell them it will charge you about $60, what if you signup and get charged with the $6 and also get the instant credit but you cancel before the 14 days period is over. Will the credit be taken away from you, will you get put on hold, or will you keep the credit and the everything will be just fine.
Thanks alot for your time.
26-09-2004 16:45:50
I'd just stay away from trimilfe and try one of the lower-risk offers, like Infone,, or
26-09-2004 16:59:48
would you get put on hold or your credit taken away if you cancel on ancestory?
no, they dont take your credit away for any offer
26-09-2004 19:08:40
Why is trimlife risky? I asked a friend of mine to signup and for miraclebuy ...I never received instant credit though..any connections? And how risky is in comparison...Thanks in advance.
26-09-2004 19:24:55
I wouldn't call it "Risky" so much as I'm always apt to recommend using offers that are KNOWN for instant credit and/or easy cancellation.
26-09-2004 19:26:17
myinks is simple. you buy something, you get credit in a few days.
the only reason you wouldn't get credit for something is THE COOKIE MONSTER. lol 8)
26-09-2004 19:28:29
what do you mean, the cookie monster?
26-09-2004 19:29:03
if you try to do an offer and your security settings are up too high to accept cookies, you risk the offer not getting credited to your Gratis account.
26-09-2004 19:30:34
http// thurr you goooo
26-09-2004 21:34:52
Thanks a lot for the reply )