26-09-2004 15:03:06
i know a flat screen would prob. take me so much longer, fewer people i know would go into it. Or should i get my brother to sign up for a free ipod offer, and then schlep his url around and get another one?
i already have a 27" tv. AND i have the most excellent Envision 7220 17" lcd about to be shipped from target. ah heck, i already have an ipod too. Sometimes it's just easy to get addicted to this kind of stuff. more of a challenge than anything, plus it's such a great item to get for free!
who the hell gave me -karma? wth? grrrr. i'm like such a nice person. poohy.
well ill give you + karma just so you dont feel bad
26-09-2004 15:27:11
Awe, you guys are nice. Thanks. ). I'm so silly.
26-09-2004 15:27:36
go ahead and start with your freeflatscreen. I am working on mine now. When you get your ipod more people will want to start up on the freeflatscreen. If I were you I would get either the 15 inch or the 17 inch. Go dual monitors and you will have a hard time going back! If you are going to start could you give me the referral (contact the aim account) Good luck and happy hunting.
26-09-2004 15:37:40
dual monitors is definately the way to go. Especially with 2 sweet LCDs.
I would get the sony wega though. I need a new TV