I'm getting so impatient trying to sign people up!....
26-09-2004 00:45:25
i know it's just that i have no patience, and i only signed up on wednesday (today being saturdaY), but i keep looking at the 5 yellow, and 2 green and thinking I FEEL LIKE GIVING UP! Is that really impatient? D. Yeah, i know it is. But Running out of people to email. ok, end of rant, thanks for listening.
26-09-2004 00:47:48
stop emailing people and talk to them directly. Either through IM or call them. It works so much better when you can put a sellers edge on it. I would say keep on going, but it is actually good for the rest of us if you stop. Then gratis makes some money off of you and the company won't go bust before all of us get our ipod, flatscreen, and desktops!
26-09-2004 01:00:40
oh, i just remembered my little brother has a credit card! he'll do it for me. that'll be 3 green and awaiting news on these 5 yellow. ok. Brother in person, and my best friend in LA, i'll get him on the phone. Hmmm, who else...
26-09-2004 02:23:23
Without patience, you will never get anywhere. Because even after you complete your 5, you still got a long wait ahead of ya. )
26-09-2004 05:52:00
You are definitely TOO impatient, most people had to wait a lot longer than you have so far until they got their iPod so if you don't remove the im from your impatience you will probably not get very far with this site.
26-09-2004 10:50:47
LOL re "the im". lol . ok, point taken. ANd i got one more green! D. so now i'm 3 green, 4 yellow.
Excuse my brattiness everyone. lishakes head at selfli
26-09-2004 10:54:09
took me 18 days, 2 greens in 4 days is a lot faster than what i had, so stay in there and youll get it soon.
26-09-2004 11:21:58
Took me a month, but then again, I had finals and such around the time.
26-09-2004 11:55:14
[quotecb0af87d51="sweetened"]LOL re "the im". lol . ok, point taken. ANd i got one more green! D. so now i'm 3 green, 4 yellow.
Excuse my brattiness everyone. lishakes head at selfli[/quotecb0af87d51]
More than halfway there, don't get discouraged. It's free anyway ^_^
26-09-2004 11:57:22
i've been trying since july... (granted i stopped for like 4 weeks... heh)
26-09-2004 12:09:08
[quote34e9c125ed]stop emailing people and talk to them directly. Either through email or call them.[/quote34e9c125ed]
26-09-2004 12:12:57
"stop emailing people... just email them" makes perfect sense.... so does that calling. all you gotta say is "ok... type in ach tee tee pee, semi-colon slash slash, double u double u double u DOT freee ipods DOT com..." and then run through all that other mumbo JUMBO
26-09-2004 14:06:32
I've had a pretty good run so far, i wrote the instructions and offer stuff out step by step and let a few people who know me well on a msg board know about it. 7 joined, 3 turned green. One i offered them an extra $10 incentive, so that's been working out. I called my bro though, but all my internet friends are great. I even posted on craigslist and offered my guide, and also let them know to please use my referral. 4 people emailed me. so, in this case, it's def. working the email thing. one of my yellows definitely qualifies for green. And one more person offered to do it, but i wants to know if i already have want i need so she can give it to someone else if i don't need it. now i kinda feel bad if i go over. maybe i'll just email her to go ahead. that would give me my 5.