Arthur Khachikyan
24-02-2005 19:15:13
This is the first time actually completing one of these free Gratis websites. Heh! Took me about 5 Months and Im Waiting Approval It says check in 5 days but is it quicker than that or a bit later than that? And After I get Approved Ill jus order and go to STV then shipped ? I think I got this all figured out but I wonder how much time this is going to take.
Thanks Guys!
24-02-2005 19:27:30
it just varies...I was approved in just under 5 business days, but I think most people have had to wait a little longer on FFS. Once they approve you, you place your order and then you're processing for several days before your order is STV. You remain STV for some time and then it ships. All in all, you're probably looking at 2-3 weeks, but that's just a guess. Could be shorter, could be longer.
Arthur Khachikyan
24-02-2005 19:29:07
Alright Cool. Sounds Simple Enough Thx man.
Arthur Khachikyan
02-03-2005 17:47:28
Woohoo Im Processing. I head the flat screens are being shipped fast YAY!