24-02-2005 16:19:50
omg omg omg!
i'm freaking approved for freeipods! HELL YEA!!!!
no problems at all cuz i was legit all da way! W00t!!!!
damn im ordering it right now!
THANKS FREEIPODGUIDE, couldn't have done it without
stroid, sobeicedtea, and freeoffersnow
and of course all the other moderator and admin.. its just that the 3 people above helped me get my last ref in some way or another.
24-02-2005 16:25:49
lucky...i still need one more. then, i think im gonna get put on hold.
but, congrats.
24-02-2005 16:27:46
chex, are you getting the 20 gig? just wondering b/c i want the mini and i'm going to wait to reapply for approval to see if they start offering the new minis.
24-02-2005 16:28:15
Congrats, but your still a referral loser wink
24-02-2005 16:29:08
[quoteaa2cef3f6e="CoMpFrEaK"]Congrats, but your still a referral loser wink[/quoteaa2cef3f6e]
that i am... i mean come on did you see how freaking long it took me? 6 freaking months.
and i ordered the 20gig.
24-02-2005 16:30:29
Congrats eatchex im glad i was able to finish my psp D
24-02-2005 16:33:22
[quotecf0eecae15="Stroid"]Congrats eatchex im glad i was able to finish my psp D[/quotecf0eecae15]
that i will stroid. tomorrow because right now i have stupid chemistry '(
as long as you use a different credit card number, they'll still let you go thru right?
24-02-2005 16:33:36
Congratulations Chex!
24-02-2005 17:43:31
Congrats Chex! now if only i could get approved then I can celebrate along with's been 4 days and it's killing me.
24-02-2005 17:59:02
lisighli thanks for the update. j/k
24-02-2005 21:07:42
Congrats man!
25-02-2005 00:10:19
you can use the same cc for every site just do diffrent offers
25-02-2005 06:21:18
WOO HOO, for you, anyway...I'm on Business Day Five of approval, after 3 CS inquiries requesting manual approval. The last 2 because I got a TOTALLY canned response from them and immediately re-submitted the inquiry. Got back what resembles an actual, human response from them. Said they've been wicked busy lately. Long as I can get it within the next week, my birthday is on the following monday! Fingers crossed... D
25-02-2005 06:36:03
Why did you have to request manual approval? Because it took 5 business days?)
25-02-2005 08:13:35
No, because they've put 2 of my referrals on hold now, twice. Major P in the A. After the second time, I consulted with the almighty forum gods and that was their suggestion. Just checked and still nothing. I wonder if they have soem sort of counter on each account, so if you're like me and check every 5 minutes or so, they know and can string it out longer? wink
25-02-2005 08:44:28
25-02-2005 08:49:36
[quote6f51cc064a="Lance"]No, because they've put 2 of my referrals on hold now, twice. Major P in the A. After the second time, I consulted with the almighty forum gods and that was their suggestion. Just checked and still nothing. I wonder if they have soem sort of counter on each account, so if you're like me and check every 5 minutes or so, they know and can string it out longer? wink[/quote6f51cc064a]
Use IcFreepod and you won't have to check every 5 minutes) It does it automatically and gives you a notification.
And congratulations to the approved people)
25-02-2005 09:41:29
Ahh, but you see, I work on a Mac, and we don't get those kind of software chi-chi's (that I'm aware of). At any rate, it's not an inconvenience to me. Bookmarked the page, so it's click-done.
25-02-2005 12:16:55
Ahh, congrats! It's been about 4 business days for mine, so hopefully it'll go through sometime next week.
25-02-2005 12:28:32
Congrats Chex
25-02-2005 12:45:28
Eat my chex.