25-09-2004 16:09:54
Most of my friends are afraid of using their credit cards and I cannot convince them. roll so could they all use those webcertificates things if they did it all at their own houses. Could this cause any problems? I know it would take allot less convincing. 8)
25-09-2004 16:46:09
just send them each a webcertificate
25-09-2004 20:30:52
I've heard reports of offers being done with WC not giving credit but hey, who knows
25-09-2004 20:42:28
[quote847d9b108f="hacktek"]I've heard reports of offers being done with WC not giving credit but hey, who knows[/quote847d9b108f]
25-09-2004 22:27:18
It is supposed to be just like a master card cept with steep charges. the only question is if i use my credit card to get them their certificates (not sure how exactly it works) it lets me put in there address and stuff so it wont just tell gratis that I for some strange reason signed up for blockbuster 5 times.
25-09-2004 23:53:38
[quote34884a0a7a="Tholek"][quote34884a0a7a="hacktek"]I've heard reports of offers being done with WC not giving credit but hey, who knows[/quote34884a0a7a]