23-02-2005 15:51:57
i explained the possible reason for my hold in a support ticket last night and a rep responded and asked for my full name and shipping address this afternoon. i was about to reply just now but the ticket has been closed. any idea why they asked for my info the in the first place and why it was closed before i could respond?
23-02-2005 15:55:25
They seem to do that a lot, it's weird. /
23-02-2005 15:58:09
use the search function of this forum....but to answer your question they will either put you on a permant hold or approve time that happened to someone and they got approved and someone else got permant hold
23-02-2005 16:15:57
They always close the ticket after they respond. Just reply and tell them what happened.
23-02-2005 16:29:09
ah thanks, tuna. i didn't know they always close after responding.
i tried searching the forum b/c i vaguely remembered someone having the same problem but couldn't find the relevant post. tons of helpful offer questions, though.
24-02-2005 15:25:15
yay, taken off hold.
none of my supposedley non-unique referrals which put me on hold have gone grey (or is it black?), though. they're all still green. most importantly, the only one that i thought was suspect is still green. i offered to find another referral to replace it but should i bother since it's still green? i'm confused. i'm thinking i should just get someone to sign up to be safe and then reapply for approval.