DS Arrived finally!!

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=6920


22-02-2005 22:09:07

Here it is!!


http//members.aol.com/jfstan/jfstan_ds_pics.jpg[" alt=""/imgeee8872f49]


22-02-2005 22:15:00

would be glorious if the image worked )


heh my bad...just loaded

by the way is that hebrew ontop of the "Thanks Gratis" ?? looks like it to me lol.....should i be reading that from right to left? )


22-02-2005 22:23:52

LOL Lunarpancake! Congrats on the STV with notebooks. I'm requesting on Friday (when I finally should go 18/18) for my $1000. I can't wait for my DS from DS4FREE!


22-02-2005 22:59:47

LUCKY did you go stv on the 11th? i did and i still don't have mine!


23-02-2005 07:31:02

Are you enjoying the DS? Get any games? I got SuperMario64 DS as my bonus gift on DS4FREE and I'm curious as to how it worked out. I didn't really want to get it, but then I read reviews, and it was rated the best all-around game. If you've got any, what are your favorite games?


23-02-2005 09:12:48

Let me answer all these questions.. )

The font isn't Hebrew, it's actually "Boron", it's supposed to resemble electronic circuitry.

I went STV 2/11 and live in Illinois. Have patience, y'all!

And yes, the DS kicks ass.. I don't have any games other than the Metroid demo it came with, but I'm looking at WarioWare Touched and SM64DS. I'd really like to see a Star Wars game for the DS (like KOTOR or Battefront) and a good 3D fighter like MK.

I'm also gonna hit the second hand shops and look for some GBA games cheap. )



23-02-2005 09:42:20

also checkout www.cheapassgamer.com

they tell you of the best prices/sales/etc on the net.


24-02-2005 09:26:29

my ds still isnt here!


24-02-2005 09:55:24

lol, order status went shipped getting it tommorow!


24-02-2005 11:47:44


thomas moore

24-02-2005 12:59:59

i still don't understand how you play with two screens? explanations? cry


24-02-2005 13:02:12

bottom screen is touch screen and you can controll stuff with it or sometimes its just a map of the level on the upper screen


25-02-2005 11:01:57

<<i still don't understand how you play with two screens?>>

What? Nobody remembers the acrade version of Punch-out? )

There are several ways the two screens work together, sometimes they form one large image of the playfield or one serves as a map or other aspect of the game. With the included Metroiod demo, the bottom screen is used as a controller to steer and aim, as well as a map, weapon selector and "morph ball" mode changer.

You can change this under the options so that the screens are reversed and you shoot with the stylus. The carry strap has a "thumb nub" which lets you get a better response from the touch screen.

With Wario Ware Touched, you interact directly with the on screen images.. slicing food, rubbing magic lamps and tapping an old-school style Nintendo controller. It rocks!!



25-02-2005 11:32:41

after a lot of thought, i think i'm gonna keep my ds since i won't get the psp for more then a month, plus i have some friends at school that have them. They are always playing during my marketing class and the teacher doesn't even care most the time! its soo funny


25-02-2005 11:56:07

Hmm...FreeGamingSystems has changed its language on "processing." It no longer says 3-5 business days.

"Please check back after 5 business days to see your status."

Interesting. I guess I'll find out next Monday, as I asked to be approved this past Monday.