How are you going to join the new offers?

Live forum:


25-09-2004 08:32:04

I'd try to figuire out when the psp's first comes out, then sign up under the GearLive conga forum. Then I'll wait and see what I'd do with the nintendo thing.


25-09-2004 15:50:21

I'd probably just join a fresh conga or start my own


25-09-2004 15:58:04



25-09-2004 20:32:13

Sony's upcoming handheld


26-09-2004 01:12:39

congas are only good if you can get in fast...and for those that dont have time sitting around all day and watch for the exact time the new sites go live, it can be hard to get in before 50 people already have lol.

Kinda funny that although the gratis deals are not a pyramid scheme the congas make it feel the most like pyramid schemes on most sites because the only ones that make out are the first bunch that can get their referrals by the existing members of that forum. Once those run out the going gets very slow. Maybe some of the congas should require the people on it to get half of the referrals on their own (through other means) that way there are more member referrals to spread out. I have no idea how that would be accomplised though lol.

Anyway, back on topic heheh. I hope to get in early on a good conga but if that fails I will just have to do the whole "work my ass off getting referrals the hard way thing" lol.


26-09-2004 07:42:30

Yeah... I'll be waiting for the exact time... lol


26-09-2004 11:12:27

Gonna start my own conga lol


26-09-2004 12:16:39

hacktek if you start a conga can i join?
unless it's against the rules to ask this on the forums... then i don't wanna join.