Quick question about referral
22-02-2005 16:00:57
Okay - My name and My dads name are the same
So we have the Same First and Last names.
I am thinking on sending link to him so he can sign up and complete an offer for my link (of course the CC are different) To complete the order of my account I didn't use my account - I used my Mother's card since mine has -12 twisted .
The Name i sign up for my freeipdos.com is the same on my dads account.
What happened If I send link to my dad - he sign ups with his second name and second last name but completes offer with same name but different CC - will that affect my account at all or will cause any problems
22-02-2005 16:04:09
[quote2f8ab71192="aqmlswnk"]Okay - My name and My dads name are the same
So we have the Same First and Last names.
I am thinking on sending link to him so he can sign up and complete an offer for my link (of course the CC are different) To complete the order of my account I didn't use my account - I used my Mother's card since mine has -12 twisted .
The Name i sign up for my freeipdos.com is the same on my dads account.
What happened If I send link to my dad - he sign ups with his second name and second last name but completes offer with same name but different CC - will that affect my account at all or will cause any problems[/quote2f8ab71192]
make up fake names. It would look bad having the EXACT same names. Also do not sign up from the same place nor use the same address. I am only telling you this cause i dont believe your cheating the system.
22-02-2005 16:06:26
Ofcourse - we live in different houses
But the name is the same - will that affect at all - He can change the name when he signs up for freeipdos.com
But in order to complete offer he has to enter the naem on CC which is the same name I put when I signed for freeipods.com.
Will freeipods.com check the name of the CC that he enter to complete the offer or not
22-02-2005 16:09:40
[quote5d16a4279c="aqmlswnk"]Ofcourse - we live in different houses
But the name is the same - will that affect at all - He can change the name when he signs up for freeipdos.com
But in order to complete offer he has to enter the naem on CC which is the same name I put when I signed for freeipods.com.
Will freeipods.com check the name of the CC that he enter to complete the offer or not[/quote5d16a4279c]
do NOT quote me on this cause im not sure about Gratis, But sites such as Offer Centric i know does not track name or cc info, cuase they cant. But i do not know if Gratis does the same thing. Cause Gratis has alawys been first and the biggest so they may have their own meathod of doing things. Chances are Gratis is the same as the other sites, but do NOT quote me on this. See if you can get CG, Stroids, or Freeoffersnow to comment on this.
thomas moore
22-02-2005 16:14:38
you could separate yourselves by just adding on JR. or SR.
right? cry
22-02-2005 16:15:56
yes but - when you complete an offer you have to enter Credit Card correct - and you must enter anme exactly as appears on the Card.
My Dads card has the same name that I signed up for freeipods.com
22-02-2005 16:17:51
Gratis has never been very clear on this, and for good reason. Gratis is not privy to your billing information, and this likely includes the name of the cardholder. If your referral is indeed unique, you should be fine. Gratis uses numerous methods to detect fraudulent referrals, and if for some reason a unique referral is disqualified, feel free to contact Gratis via customer service inquiry.
22-02-2005 16:20:22
well yes - it's unique - the only thin is that we have the same First/Second Names and same Last Names - the only things that changes is the second last name.
I naver used my CC - so the only thing that has my name is when I signed for freeipods.com
So - do you think if my dad enters his Seconds/ first and last names
But same name to complete offer with CC - will Gratis have a problem with that
22-02-2005 16:21:19
I think It will be easy - if I pay $15 to a guy that have never been on freeipdos.com and he gives me a green.
Anyone - that naver had freeipods.com -
I'll pay you 415 with Paypal if you give me a green
22-02-2005 16:23:03
I apologize if I was unclear. In a nutshell, you should be fine, but there is always a chance the referral will be disqualified. In the event that your father's referral is disqualified, open a customer service inquiry explaining that the referral is, in fact, unique.
22-02-2005 16:26:10
If for any reason my dad referrals is disqualifued I will not loose my other 4 referrals correct.
ican just get a new one and then claim my Ipod
22-02-2005 16:30:57
Correct. That is, in most cases. However, because the only reason your father's referral might be disqualified is because of your sharing the same name...it might be looked at differently. In this case they would place both accounts on hold (yours as well as your fathers). Nonetheless, you would be in the same situation either way. Go ahead and refer him.
22-02-2005 16:33:28
No way - then - I will just wait and get some other guy - I have 2 guys - but they are waiting for other 2 guys that gave green to them and they want to know if they want them to give green for freeipods.com
22-02-2005 16:36:04
I have no idea what you just said, but I'm glad to see you've got things cleared up.
22-02-2005 16:37:28
I have 2 guys - both of them are waiting for guys that gave green to them - so now they have to give green to those guys - but they don't know if this guys want green for freeipods.com or what
23-02-2005 16:18:15
The credit card info does not matter because Gratis will not see it. You will be alright as long as you don't use the same computer to sign up.