eCost's iPod Shuffle in stock date
21-02-2005 14:25:43
Just got off the phone with eCost... they expect a shipment of iPod Shuffles on March 8th... we'll see.
21-02-2005 14:31:34
ahh nice. That isnt that long of a wait then. About 2 weeks or so. Hopefully people start going STV soon and maybe some of us will even get shipped with that shipment P
21-02-2005 14:51:57
[quote0cefb67b96="ashnazg"]Just got off the phone with eCost... they expect a shipment of iPod Shuffles on March 8th... we'll see.[/quote0cefb67b96]
How Depressing. I probably wont even be in the first STV batch... lol..
21-02-2005 15:02:40
ya, I really wish gratis would just be upfront about things. I mean, I'm not gonna bitch 'cause its FREE. But it'd be nice to have SOME kindof idea when to expect said free gear.
21-02-2005 16:35:22
[quote7eb2da9204="josiah296"]ya, I really wish gratis would just be upfront about things. I mean, I'm not gonna bitch 'cause its FREE. But it'd be nice to have SOME kindof idea when to expect said free gear.[/quote7eb2da9204]
Don't you feel like 23439843984 smarter when you can say "said [noun]" in a sentence? If're not allowed to say it any more.
21-02-2005 19:32:37
Just because eCost is going to have them in, I don't think that means anything in regards to FreeiPodShuffles. I haven't heard of them using eCost for anything, since they were so uncooperative back in the fall with the iPods.
21-02-2005 19:34:50
CG is right, of late, EFULFILLMENT has been the Gratis vendor of choice for iPod related orders.
22-02-2005 06:48:12
[quoteff2ac1375b="FreeOffersNow"][quoteff2ac1375b="josiah296"]ya, I really wish gratis would just be upfront about things. I mean, I'm not gonna bitch 'cause its FREE. But it'd be nice to have SOME kindof idea when to expect said free gear.[/quoteff2ac1375b]
Don't you feel like 23439843984 smarter when you can say "said [noun]" in a sentence? If're not allowed to say it any more.[/quoteff2ac1375b]
are you a TRL fan?
22-02-2005 09:05:38
I think all you people need to stop holding your breath. I went processing back on the 20th, and I know I won't be getting my shuffle till april/may.
Do you reallky think that with the high demand for these things, any of the vendors will be sending a large amount of them to Gratis customers? Yeah right. They'll be waiting till the market is saturated, then start sending them to the "free sites" and all the other places where they don't get a mark-up on the items.
Like I said....don't hold your breath.
22-02-2005 09:33:44
While I do think there will be a long wait, I'm not sure that they'll send Gratis's shuffles completely last. I mean, didn't Gratis pay for them just like everyone else? So why would they be put on the back burner.
22-02-2005 11:21:07
Not on the back burner, but I'm sure more prominent vendors get their stuff first.
22-02-2005 11:23:20
[quotefae8ee7ab4="undertheradar"]I think all you people need to stop holding your breath. I went processing back on the 20th, and I know I won't be getting my shuffle till april/may.
Do you reallky think that with the high demand for these things, any of the vendors will be sending a large amount of them to Gratis customers? Yeah right. They'll be waiting till the market is saturated, then start sending them to the "free sites" and all the other places where they don't get a mark-up on the items.
Like I said....don't hold your breath.[/quotefae8ee7ab4]
Gratis is a costomer just like any other person wink
They have to buy them you know...they don't get them free
22-02-2005 11:28:46
Correct, Gratis is a paying customer. Being that they buy in such large volumes, they will definitely not get put on the backburner. Any retailer would LOVE a customer like Gratis. As long as you deliver good service to this type of customer, you know you're getting large, repeat orders. Even if you give a volume-based discount, it's still nice because no advertising dollars are being spent on bringing the orders in.
22-02-2005 11:30:29
does anyone know WHAT kindof volume gratis is buying in? I can't imagine them getting in as many as circuit city, best buy, or some of the others. Are there any numbers out there on how many shuffles they've "ordered" or even how many regular iPods they shipped?
22-02-2005 12:11:15
i know Gratis is a paying customer, but even so....I'd be curious to see just when Gratis placed orders for the shuffles. The longer they hold out, the more money they're making off interest from all the referrals. Gratis already has their money, places like Circuit City have to wait for them to come in before they can sell them and get their money back. I still think Gratis is at the back of the line.
(Either way...if I maintain thsi attitude, I don't let myself worry about it taking so long. It comes when it comes. )
22-02-2005 12:11:56
[quote7bbf49bcdf="CollidgeGraduit"]Correct, Gratis is a paying customer. Being that they buy in such large volumes, they will definitely not get put on the backburner. Any retailer would LOVE a customer like Gratis. As long as you deliver good service to this type of customer, you know you're getting large, repeat orders. Even if you give a volume-based discount, it's still nice because no advertising dollars are being spent on bringing the orders in.[/quote7bbf49bcdf]
well put.
22-02-2005 14:11:55
I wonder just how much are they actually making on a given referral. I mean, if you figure 5.5 refs for a given iPod, then it'd have to be like $55 a referral, but that doesn't make any sense, because no way is the WSJ paying them $55 a referral.
Of course there's "spam" and the annoying "optional survey" and all the people who don't complete offers. But I wonder if by NOT shipping sooner they can leverage the cash to generate some kindof interest.
What I need is a guy on the inside.
22-02-2005 14:53:20
[quote37a816b455="undertheradar"]i know Gratis is a paying customer, but even so....I'd be curious to see just when Gratis placed orders for the shuffles. The longer they hold out, the more money they're making off interest from all the referrals. Gratis already has their money, places like Circuit City have to wait for them to come in before they can sell them and get their money back. I still think Gratis is at the back of the line.
(Either way...if I maintain thsi attitude, I don't let myself worry about it taking so long. It comes when it comes. )[/quote37a816b455]
I always wondered why you had negative Karma... lol.
22-02-2005 15:10:47
I'm just a negative guy I guess. It's just my internet personna, really, I'm happy as a clam. )
22-02-2005 16:23:24
[quote466b7ea4da="josiah296"]I wonder just how much are they actually making on a given referral. I mean, if you figure 5.5 refs for a given iPod, then it'd have to be like $55 a referral, but that doesn't make any sense, because no way is the WSJ paying them $55 a referral.
Of course there's "spam" and the annoying "optional survey" and all the people who don't complete offers. But I wonder if by NOT shipping sooner they can leverage the cash to generate some kindof interest.
What I need is a guy on the inside.[/quote466b7ea4da]
I think the people who complete offers but do not finish the site are what is making them the big bucks. There are so many people who just signed up and completed an offer and then gave up and people who signed up as a favor to someone and are not interested in completing. I really think this is were all the money comes from.
23-02-2005 12:17:13
ya, I think you're right, I just checked with some of the guys who signed under me for the freeipod, and only ONE ever bothered to get all of his referrals to score an ipod.
24-02-2005 12:55:34
yah probabaly around for every person that completes the site 3 or 4 people dont meaning they get some cash there they dont break even on the referals from someone doing that offers they are taking a bussiness risk. they are taking the risk of everyone completing and losing moeny by having low referals and it is paying off because the referals are stil to high for some people and many get 1 or 2 people than never bother