Offer completions = cancel service?

Live forum:


19-02-2005 14:09:13

After the offer is labeled as completed on, can I cancel the offer through the affiliate website/phone number without loosing the credit?

If so, should I wait until after the required 7 days minimum on some offers to cancel? I.e. it said I would get credit after 7 days, but it's only been 3 or 4. Should I wait until it's been 7 days, or can I cancel the account now without loosing the credit on

thomas moore

19-02-2005 14:33:23

dont really talk to much about cancelling services and offers affiliated with gratis free sites...if you like the service you should be inclined to stay on and enjoy it... ehem... ?


19-02-2005 15:06:54

dont talk about cancelation in this should only do offers you are interested in and if you dont like the service then you can cancel at the end of your trial.


19-02-2005 16:14:36

[quote6a7454fe72]you can cancel at the end of your trial.[/quote6a7454fe72]

good idea, thanks.


22-02-2005 23:47:23

its not good to cancel early, take your time and try out the trial


23-02-2005 16:13:08

It is a good idea to wait until you receive credit before cancelling.