24-09-2004 15:42:21
Over the last week I have gotten about 20 yellows from posting on message boards and such. NONE of them have completed. Will it take a couple weeks for the offers to turn from yellow to green? Out of those 20 you would think that at least ONE of them would complete an offer, right? shock
24-09-2004 15:44:01
it seems that they aren't updating the referrals recently. I have some that did instant credit deals and they haven't shown up yet. Kind of pisses me off that I don't know where I am at in how many referrals I need to get my flatscreen.
24-09-2004 15:58:53
actually not necessarily. but anyways sometimes (as annoying as this may sound), offers that are legitimately completed don't go through.
24-09-2004 16:21:14
Most of the yellow to green process is automated. I had about 30 or 40 before my first green.
24-09-2004 16:45:57
It is pretty annoying that it isn't accurate. For all I know, none of those completed an offer, but knowing that they MIGHT have and not gotten credit for it pisses me off.
24-09-2004 18:45:55
ya same thing is going on here. This person completed the something Pill thing and it said it is instance but nothing has came up yet. =-(
24-09-2004 19:08:45
right now I am 0-55. I've had a few friends say they have completed the offers but I'm giving it two weeks before I freak out but right now I'm starting to doubt.
24-09-2004 19:20:39
i was 5/108 (4.6%) so if you get the same percentage as me, you dont even have enough yellows for one green yet D