The awesome power of my referral...
Here's a hypothetical for you all.
Say I was contemplating signing up for a site... one that requires an astronomical number of referrals (hypothetically speaking, 18 ). Say that there are alot of people out there who would be more than happy to use me as a referral. And I want to use the power of my referral to the best of my advantage. I figure my options are
a.) Sign up for someone who offers to pay me. $20 would be nice. ) I can then use this money towards a RefStop membership, or in other trades, as I'm sure at some point I will have to resort to paying for referrals. Number 17 and 18 will go for a kingly sum, I'm sure.
b.) Sign up for a -gasp- c0nga or some other geometrical variation thereof. Hypothetically, this method could generate a referral, maybe two, maybe more?
c.) Sign up for someone who has already joined this 18-referral site, but has not yet registered for This would give me the one or two last desperately needed greens so I could finally get my goddamn ipod. Good thing we're still speaking hypothetically, because such a person does not exist.
d.) Trade my referral for someone who has not yet done Tech4free. However I don't want the Tech4Free videocamera nearly half as much as I want the laptop... err... I mean, hypothetical free gift. This is a valid option, however.
What do you think? Are there any other options I have not yet considered? I'm not posting this on the board of the free site that I'm thinking of signing up for, because I'm afraid their answers will all be biased. And they might start throwing money at me, which would just be degrading to us both. ) I've already gotten burned in a trade once before, so I'm a little wary of whatever option I choose.
WWYGD - What Would You Guys Do?
15-02-2005 14:11:37
Funny post, let me see if I can answer your questions.
A) Could possibly be a good idea, I'm sure someone is willing to pay that much. I know that I got my start on the hypothetical site you speak of from someone paying me $15 to sign up for them.
B) I wouldn't even dare think of doing a c0nga for 18 refs! It looks like c0ngas for the ipod shuffle which in only 3 refs aren't even doing to well. (Someone may have evidence that proofs me wrong) Bu I'm sure a c0nga for 18 refs is not happening.
C) That would be the absolutely best option, seeing as how freeipod referrals are so rare nowadays, but it looks like if they've signed up for the 18 refs site, they've probably signed up for freeipods. But still, if you could find someone to trade for that it'd be the best thing.
D) If you really really wanted a the Tech4free gift & the hypothetical gift this would be a good option. Some people haven't done Tech4free and are willing to trade that for the hypothetical site.
Like me )
15-02-2005 14:21:10
My recommendation A because you can use GearLiveQT (not REFSTOP!) to get your referrals and pay for them.
15-02-2005 14:22:31
why don't you like refstop PodTopia?
15-02-2005 14:24:01
Haven't tried it, but I KNOW for a fact that GearLiveQT works, it's how I finished notebooks, AND no one has posted here about the effectiveness of RefStop.
15-02-2005 14:25:46
[quote454bd4ef63="Retro"]why don't you like refstop PodTopia?[/quote454bd4ef63]
Refstop has less members.
15-02-2005 14:26:19
true, I signed up for refstop, it's only 5 bucks, I can handle it if I don't get anything from it. I might sign up for gearlive but I'm scared b/c people make it sound like there are so many scammers on there
Ok... I looked at GearLiveQT and interestingly enough, they're offering a "free account" if I sign up using their ref link for the exact site that I'm interested in. Is it worth it? Or should I do option A, pay whatever fee GearLive requires, and still come out a few bucks ahead?
15-02-2005 14:36:16
[quote0f3031d9e8="LizM"]Ok... I looked at GearLiveQT and interestingly enough, they're offering a "free account" if I sign up using their ref link for the exact site that I'm interested in. Is it worth it? Or should I do option A, pay whatever fee GearLive requires, and still come out a few bucks ahead?[/quote0f3031d9e8]
It's not worth signing up on that referral link. The owners of that site are basically paying you $7.50 to sign up there. Why not get $20 from someone here and then pay the $7.50 membership, and pocket the $12.50 for another day? As a reference point, I signed up for NoteBooks4Free in exchange for 3 referrals (to sites of my choice which the trader had not already registered). ) Good luck!
15-02-2005 14:51:04
FreeOffersNow, you got an excellent deal! And LizM, do option A.
15-02-2005 15:12:34
you've already got responses from experts but thought i'd weigh in anyway. c would obviously be best but seems impossible. what about a combo of a and d? get whoever you sign up under to sign up for your tech4free and also pay you at least $7.50. that way you also get money to join gearlive for free basically. if that's not possible then a's the best choice. you get money to sign up for gearlive where you can possibly get some referrals and extra money to possibly pay someone in the future.
oooh... good one penguin!!!
I'm starting to feel like a whore though. (
thomas moore
16-02-2005 12:31:40
[quote3ae2dca48a="LizM"]oooh... good one penguin!!!
I'm starting to feel like a whore though. ([/quote3ae2dca48a]
but soon to be the most sucessful whore with free stuff... wink
16-02-2005 12:35:57
So what are these referral sites that you pay for all about? Are they worth the money?
thomas moore
16-02-2005 12:38:56
the pay sites, are a community of people there for the same purpose to trade and barter for referrals / green/ etc in order to get all your referrals...usually you have to pay to use this service.... gearlive is 7$ something .... one time fee... ask pod to break it down for you he knows the scoop D
16-02-2005 12:41:41
Ahh, when he does grace us with such wisdom, I have antoher question already. How does it differ from a site like this? Help weed out scammers and kiddies ? I have a bunch of trades I need done (and running out of free options!) and want to minimize the 'tard' factor .
16-02-2005 12:43:42
None of the trading sites (GearLive QT or RefStop) can weed out scammers any faster than we can do here...the only difference is there is probably a higher percentage of scammers here because it doesn't cost anything to post a trade.
thomas moore
16-02-2005 13:40:32
[quoteb0c88a3328="FreeOffersNow"]None of the trading sites (GearLive QT or RefStop) can weed out scammers any faster than we can do here...the only difference is there is probably a higher percentage of scammers here because it doesn't cost anything to post a trade.[/quoteb0c88a3328]
precisely, can never cut out risk only lessen it
16-02-2005 16:17:14