I hope they STV tommorrow.
13-02-2005 18:19:51
I hope they stv tommorrow so i can get it on friday and shove it in my friends faces. Who else is processing right now for free ipods?
13-02-2005 18:25:01
In the same boat, hoping for tomorrow as well.
13-02-2005 18:52:53
me too, ive been processing since 2/4 and im getting impatient.
i live in Arizona, do you think i will get my ipod pretty fast once its shipped?
where are they shipped from?
13-02-2005 18:58:51
somewhere in the north east i believe.
13-02-2005 20:03:22
I'm processing as well.
13-02-2005 20:25:19
I have a problem...could someone give me a quick opinion? I know no one here REALLY knows, but some of you that have been around for a while could make a better guess than me...
I am currently Processing, and I have been since Monday. I live in a dorm, and we have spring break from March 5th-13th. I'm going skiing during this time, and I would really like to have my iPod by then. Here's the real problem though...
When we are gone (March 5-13), there will be NO ONE in the dorm to collect mail. I am worried that it may come in during that week. I don't really NEED it to be here before then, but if it comes in that week, they will ship it back. Would it be smart to send it to my house, and have my parents ship it to me?
I realize you can't predict the week....but is it reasonable to expect it before that week?
13-02-2005 20:56:29
They ship from Grawn, Michigan
13-02-2005 22:09:48
if you're unsure then ship it home. better be safe than sorry
13-02-2005 22:11:50
agreed always ship to your home in my opinion
13-02-2005 22:32:45
[quotea78dbd03f8="kighr"]I have a problem...could someone give me a quick opinion? I know no one here REALLY knows, but some of you that have been around for a while could make a better guess than me...
I am currently Processing, and I have been since Monday. I live in a dorm, and we have spring break from March 5th-13th. I'm going skiing during this time, and I would really like to have my iPod by then. Here's the real problem though...
When we are gone (March 5-13), there will be NO ONE in the dorm to collect mail. I am worried that it may come in during that week. I don't really NEED it to be here before then, but if it comes in that week, they will ship it back. Would it be smart to send it to my house, and have my parents ship it to me?
I realize you can't predict the week....but is it reasonable to expect it before that week?[/quotea78dbd03f8]
I would think and hope that it would come before then...
13-02-2005 22:40:52
Can I change my address after STV?
13-02-2005 22:42:26
no you cannot once its STV the order has been placed to that address
14-02-2005 07:07:44
If Gratis is gonna STV today what time would our status on our accounts change?
14-02-2005 08:59:44
Mine have always been doing changes after 5cst that's all I know.
14-02-2005 09:23:05
Would my free ipod be one of the ones going STV as well?
http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v158/rboarderi/untitled.gif[/img56856b8aaf]
14-02-2005 09:26:58
I just looked at the posts from the last STV date, and the people already knew by now. I'm not saying that it can't change later today, but on the last STV date, people were posting as early as 1152, and I believe it was EST since the board converts msg times to the settings in your profile (right?)
14-02-2005 09:36:53
your screenname is scary.
14-02-2005 09:40:39
[quote974b56e160="EatChex89"]your screenname is scary.[/quote974b56e160]
14-02-2005 09:42:13
Apparently I am confused about STV...I went and looked at the last STV post and it seemed that the day they went STV, they were shipping. I thought it was STV for a while, and then they ship the whole STV bunch...is this incorrect? If I'm close to the shipping area, does that mean when I go STV there is less than a week left?
14-02-2005 09:50:35
STV = sent to vendor, which means they've placed the order with the vendor. So, essentailly, STV means that, if the product hasn't already shipped, it will be shipped very soon. The status change of "shipped" comes later, but the iPods really ship before then.
14-02-2005 12:14:04
Processing since 2/2/2005
Hope to get it soon
14-02-2005 14:51:48
I'm sent to vendor!!
Are any of you recent posters in this forum STV as well?
14-02-2005 16:25:55
STV here and very happy
14-02-2005 17:58:29
[quote52467394ba="cnjax"]STV here and very happy[/quote52467394ba]
STV here also. Hopefully we will get an express shipment to Florida!!!
14-02-2005 19:15:45
YEP!!! LOng days of school and just got home at 9pm and checked it and was totally excited. STV rules now how long do you think itll take to come?
14-02-2005 19:42:48
I just went STV my date was 2/2 you think i will get it soon???