12-09-2004 20:42:50
When signing up for an offer you give your credit card infomration to third party sites such as aol ebay etc. Is freeipods.com able to see any of the information regarding the credit card that I am typing in to the third party? So for example can freeipods.com see the shipping address that is on the cc? OR is the only thing they see that you signed up? Thanks for your help.
12-09-2004 20:59:26
I doubt it - it'd probbably break most site's privacy policies if they could.
12-09-2004 22:40:40
i think the only thing they see is that you signed up. My brother used my CC on infone with my address but used a different address on freeipods and still rec'd instant credit for completing the offer so I doubt it as well
13-09-2004 05:11:14
they cant see ur cc info thatwould be illegal
13-09-2004 05:16:50
Gratis just joins affiliate programs with companies (i.e. AOL, Ansestry), and gets money for every person who signs up, either paid-per-signup, or paid comission based on sales.
They only see who signed up. The most they would get would be an e-mail address for confirmation.
Also, many companies have privacy policys that tie in with their affiliate programs, so check those out.
Don't worry, your credit card is safe.
13-09-2004 08:35:59
I agree with everyone who has spoken.
Gratis gets some sort of green light that an account has signed up but as far as what info that is we don't exactly know... But you can be fairly safe that it isn't your credit card number. But if it is... You wonder how Gratis buys those iPods shock
13-09-2004 08:42:52
Gratis has more than enough money for the Ipods. The Ipods are chump change compared to the revenue they get from their multiple websites. They can get anywhere from $10-$100 per signup to the offers from the companies, depending on the company of course.
13-09-2004 16:21:18
Thank you for the help, wouldnt this mean that I could have all my friends sign up then just let them borrow my credit card to do the offers, so all differnet computers email adress etc. just the same credit card which would be mine. Asuuming that I trust my friends. One problem I see is that I would also have to have them sign up with 5 differnet offers becasue wouldnt infone, aol etc. know if they had 5 differnet accounts but all with the same credit card or is it hidden?
15-09-2004 21:39:32
Yeah ZJamaican, I'm wondering about that too, What if you went to 5 friends houses, used your credit card at all their houses, and signed up for different offers....anyone think they'd catch on?
15-09-2004 22:05:16
A) Walking friends through it and everything is discouraged and often leads to hold status
b) Most offer sites will not allow you to use the same credit card twice.
15-09-2004 22:22:00
But how will they know that I went to a friends house, and signed them up....and if I sign them up for a different offer, that I haven't signed up for before usign my cc?
15-09-2004 22:23:31
We're done discussing fraud here.