24-09-2004 07:19:35
Ok, so I read about not using free e-mail accts...yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc...
I used my yahoo acct and got credit no problem. Right now I have 20 yellows, most of which are hotmail...is the free e-mail thing true? should I encourage them to use a different e-mail addy?
24-09-2004 07:21:59
i've heard specifically that there are problems with hotmail.
might be best to have them use a different one....
24-09-2004 07:23:29
hmmm, has ANYONE got or seen credit recieved for an offer by someone using a hotmail acct?
24-09-2004 07:27:47
I had trouble with my Verizon account not getting the verification e-mail, so I switched to my gmail account. No issue at all for me.
24-09-2004 07:29:13
well, if I send an e-mail to all my hotmail yellows telling them to re-sign up with a different e-mail, they will be flagged as duplicates won't get credit for either...right???
24-09-2004 07:52:02
I myself have a Hotmail account, and have gotten a few referrals from those who do have Hotmail as well. It works fine, the only problem is that the referral email often gets sent to the Spam folder (same with Yahoo).
I would almost recommend signing up with a free email provider, and not your standard email, because you will almost certainly get inondated with spam upon signing up (farming emails is probably another method for Gratis to earn money). I had an idle Yahoo account for over a year, signed up using it, and within days had a TON of junk mail.
24-09-2004 08:12:59
I didn't get much spam from freeipods. Freeflatscreens was a totally different story.