08-02-2005 22:28:19
has anyone else seen the bad news, now you can only buy webcerts for $20 to $200. That sux. is there any other options?
09-02-2005 12:10:27
Did you still try typing $5. I know whenever I have sent them to my friends it has always said $20-$200 but it still lets you type in $5 and works fine.
09-02-2005 12:32:27
I'm a newb, can I get a link for webcerts? ) Curious what it's about.
09-02-2005 13:02:37
09-02-2005 14:19:09
yeah i typed in $5 last night and it said that the amount i entered was incorrect and to enter in an amount between $20 and $200
09-02-2005 16:48:03
That has happened for a while for me. It sucks. I guess just deposit money into your "cc-less" friends paypal accounts and have them use a virtual cc.
09-02-2005 17:43:29
Yeah, that really sucks. But I need some completed offers for applestuff4free so I think I'll buy it anyway.
09-02-2005 21:34:22
just tried with $6 and it didn't work... talk about a monkey wrench in the plan. now what are we supposed to do? (
11-02-2005 14:30:01
[quote4f3072bace="PodTopia"]Buy a $20 one.[/quote4f3072bace]
lol that sucks. Its always said $20-$200 only. Oh well, guess they're finally enforcing it now.