23-09-2004 17:35:38
the offers available to me were
NY times
BMG music service
video professor
columbia house dvd
boca java
i signed up for block buster cuz its the only one on the list that is free. now every one i refer is getting the same list minus the blockbuster offer. no one will sign up cuz they all cost money. do the offers ever change? is there a way to get out of paying for these but still get credit. none of my firends want to pay money or give out credit card numbers, which makes this most difficult. respond asap please. thanks!
23-09-2004 17:40:25
Video Professor is free if you call them before they ship it out. They refunded me my $6.95 shipping and handling charge and even sent me a little post card saying they refunded me it. Also, if you don't cancel the order before it's shipped you can return it to them and get the $6.95 back but make sure you cancel unless you wanna pay $70 for retarded windows xp 4 dummies books.
23-09-2004 18:29:21
Just wait until morning for infone... thats what any smart person woul do.
23-09-2004 19:26:00
if you dont want to make any effort to get the ipod...then dont get an ipod.