I don't know which system to order. I have a ps2 and had a xbox once...didn't care for it. Most likely whatever system i get will be sold so I can buy race parts for my race bike...haha
07-02-2005 12:34:49
then byu the slim ps2, because that is worth the most. So if you want to sell it, that would be your best bet.
08-02-2005 13:05:02
the ds is probably worth the most, most stores dont even have it
08-02-2005 16:57:03
DS did go for alot before on ebay way over retail, but for now hmm ds seems pretty solid in price.
08-02-2005 17:49:06
I'd go for the DS or the slim ps2, best bang for your buck. Personally I'm getting an x-box, just 'cause I got a hankerin' for some Halo 2