23-09-2004 12:02:17
How many sign-ups is it taking you guys to get 1 offer compled? I have 43 sign-ups and 0 completed for the flat screen and I can't figure out why. I did the iPod deal and got a completed offer for every 8.2 sign-ups. Using that number I should have at least 5 completions already. I've had most of the sign-ups for 3 weeks, so I doubt there are completions that just haven't been processed yet.
Does this sound unusual to anyone else?
23-09-2004 12:19:08
7/64, yes 64
I need one more and I can't get anyone.
I've been doing this since the beginning and now I'm offering 2 Gmail invites and $5, and no one will do it.
23-09-2004 16:00:49
You think 64 is a lot. I have over 140 and I just today got my 8th