23-09-2004 09:51:10
I guess I fired off an email to the right person at Gratis...... Basically just asked what took so long and why people were getting their ipods before other people...
Here's the email... this will answer a ton of peoples questions.
Hey Jason.
First your ipod will arrive soon. Shipments are going out the door each day, and it wont be long until yours is in your hands.
Next let me explain how the HP switch works.
When someone clicks that button, we send their order to the other vendor who delivers the HPs. We send em out on a first switch first send basis. We cant re-sort those because they literally go to the vendor the same day, so placing them in an order that was originally derived from our website while in the hands of the vendor as new orders are coming in all the time, would be a logistical nightmare.
So we are sorry we are unable to make your happy, but please know that we are doing everything we can to get orders out in a reasonable and fair way.
Thanks for your patience, and good luck to you and your band. I hope you get your pod before you take off on tour…
23-09-2004 09:56:36
thats pretty cool, so after u clic that button its up to the vendor to send the ipod on time...
23-09-2004 10:10:05
Nice response... all I've gotten is the standard Terms of Service email. I wish I could get Peter to read my e-mail lol
23-09-2004 10:10:53
what doesn't make sense is that all the ipod pictures i have seen -- whether they are apple or HP -- all come from ECOST. they have ecost billing slips in the pics. so what is the "other vendor" that is refered to in that email????
23-09-2004 10:12:14
can we get his email??? i just got 3 autoresponses from FiP that werent even related to my ?
23-09-2004 10:12:53
hmmm that's a good question...perhaps the HP's are given to E-Cost by someone else
23-09-2004 10:41:06
ok that's a friendly little email, but that still doesn't explain why i haven't received anything .. seeing as how i'm 8/6 AND switched on the first day .. while some who switched 9/13 have been changed to Shipped already