23-09-2004 08:00:16
I have a friend outside the U.S. who is willing to sign up and complete an offer. He realizes that he cannot get an iPod. I seem to recall reading a thread here where a couple of people said that they got referrals from people not in the U.S and had no problems. However, I read the Gratis' terms and conditions and it seems to say that all "users" must be U.S. residents. I'm assuming anyone that signs up is a "user" even if they do not intend on ever getting an iPod. I probably won't take a chance on it since I've already had enough problems with my account as it is but I was just wondering if anyone knows for sure.
23-09-2004 08:09:03
The issue is not really that Gratis cares where you're from. It's their advertisers that do. So if you can find an advertiser that is open to residents in whatever country, you can have them complete that (I THINK) and be OK, as long as the information is valid. But if you've had troubles before I'd just stay away from it...
23-09-2004 08:29:02
It is completely fine.
I did everything from Canada. My iPod arrives today.
He needs to have a valid US mailing address to sign up though.
23-09-2004 08:47:43
Maybe I should e-mail Gratis and ask them. I would feel better if I got "permission" first.