What's the best/easiest offer to go for?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=560

Chubby Cheese

23-09-2004 07:56:51

I'd rather not spend any money, but if it's easier then I'll go for it.


23-09-2004 10:35:28

Infone offer.

It's free, will not bill you as long as you don't use it, and you don't have to cancel it.

It does require a credit card. It reappears each day around midnight central time, and it goes away after a while (I assume that Gratis gets a maximum number of sign ups per day that Infone will pay for)

big poop

23-09-2004 12:26:53

[quote541434fbf7="`"]It reappears each day around midnight central time, and it goes away after a while (I assume that Gratis gets a maximum number of sign ups per day that Infone will pay for)[/quote541434fbf7]

thanks for this info. i was unclear about how the infone biz all worked.