Someone over at Gearlive said that their iPod shipped and they're an 8/10 shock
someone said their an 8/13 and they shipped
12-09-2004 18:09:37
wow, the opious list can't be complete then.... at least i hope not since i'm an 8/6 and my town isn't on there
Yeah a lot of people said that they didn't have the WHOLE list of tracking numbers
12-09-2004 18:16:38
Damn it... I hate when forums FORCE you to sign up even if you just want to read a thread...
ah gear live is a snazzy place, worth the sign up
12-09-2004 18:56:01
[quote1a0ca2d070="Zephyr"]wow, the opious list can't be complete then.... at least i hope not since i'm an 8/6 and my town isn't on there[/quote1a0ca2d070]
same waiting, most may not be complete...but i could wait a couple more days... roll
12-09-2004 19:05:56
that person is actually not an 8/10, they are an 8/13
(since we're going by the date that shows up when you click the order number, not the one in the order status)
12-09-2004 21:37:18
hopefully my iPod will be here when i come home from school tomorrow ?
12-09-2004 21:45:01
I'm an 8/13 IP3 too... I just want it to come soon... getting kinda impatient
eh, he went nuts when he found his city, but he isn't the only person in his city tryin this deal.
13-09-2004 14:58:25
thats cool, im 9/10 so i got some time to wait
13-09-2004 18:29:51
im an 8/13 ip3 and there were 8 shipments going out to my city so hopefully im one of them. too bad im not home. damned college
13-09-2004 20:35:17
i didnt go to school thinking i would get my iPod today, waste of school activity.. . (
14-09-2004 08:38:17
anybody 8/10 moved to shipping status today?