For people that have recently received their Slim PS2s
How long was it for you to go from Processing to STV, and then from STV to Shipped, and how long after Shipped did you receive your PS2?
Also, who was the vendor?
02-02-2005 18:11:23
A Gratis rep told me that "We hope to be caught up by the end of next week."
09-02-2005 05:34:53
Meaning the end of this week they will STV us?
09-02-2005 13:50:25
I hope so has been way over 5 business days that I have been processing. Would loev to be playing some PS2 games about now.
10-02-2005 12:15:59
I went into processing on an xbox order two weeks ago on 1/27. anybody out there that has been waiting that long or longer?
thomas moore
10-02-2005 20:44:50
why doesn't everyone stick to one ongoing " stv to shipped " status " processing" thread instead of like 10 every time someone is stv...asking the same question .... idea
11-02-2005 09:31:32
I just went processing today...does this generally take a long time? Do both this AND STV sometime take weeks?
11-02-2005 09:58:24
I ordered and Xbox on Thursday, January 27th, and was Sent To Vendor today!! Hope everyone else has luck with this.
12-02-2005 18:42:35
I went submitted for approval on 1/25, STV on 2/8.. Hasn't shipped yet..
13-02-2005 12:33:59
im STV for xbox 2/11 also....hopefully we all get tracking #'s soon =)
I went for approval 2/6, processing 2/8, and sent to vendor 2/11 for the Xbox hopefully get a tracking number soon.
17-02-2005 07:37:27
I went into approval 2/16, and in 3 hours got approved, and am now processing as of 2/16. any word on time length to go stv on a ps2?
23-02-2005 11:35:12
Just to let everyone know, I went STV on the 18th. 2 days after going processing for a PS2. If its anything like the Photoipod account I had with gratis, it should be showing up in a day or two.
25-02-2005 10:06:57
Wow. I asked for approval on the 21st, first thing in the morning and I've still not heard back from them.
I guess patience is definitely the key. Oh well.
03-03-2005 11:38:08
Well, here's my update. Someone's offer was rejected. I got another one completed. I sent for approval yesterday around 400 and I was approved by 700. Now I'm processing.
Here's hoping!
06-03-2005 13:12:01
Just went to approval a few minutes ago.
Did we ever discern who is the PS2 vendor?