Has anyone had a package not arrive? say, after 14 days?
02-02-2005 08:02:52
what was the outcome? thanks.
02-02-2005 09:13:51
check the tracking status.
usually when Gratis ships, they provide a tracking #. If after 14 business days of being in the "Shipped" status, you still don't have a tracking #, I'd open a CS ticket.
Once you get the tracking #, check the site for the number, and check the status of the shipment. If they were unable to deliver the package for any reason, after a certain amount of time, the package is returned.
02-02-2005 09:23:16
k, thanks. i don't have a tracking, but hopefully they give me one when they respond to my cs request.
02-02-2005 10:23:08
Oh God....someone make this a sticky, fast. shock
I went "shipped" on my photo iPod a [i23e5c34afd]hell[/i23e5c34afd] of a long time ago, and still haven't gotten the damned thing, nor was the order number hyperlinked to a tracking number page, ike on freeipods.
I also didn't get a tracking number email like with freeipods.
To top it all off, and listen closely now.......DHL has NO class of shipping that doesn't include a tracking number. o
So, unless they're not being shipped DHL now, then something is beyond wrong here.
I also have an open CS ticket which I've been updating, but I'm not getting any responses (after the automated ones), and it's been awhile.
02-02-2005 13:45:35
[quotea3bff6a430="Tholek"]Oh God....someone make this a sticky, fast. shock
I went "shipped" on my photo iPod a [ia3bff6a430]hell[/ia3bff6a430] of a long time ago, and still haven't gotten the damned thing, nor was the order number hyperlinked to a tracking number page, ike on freeipods.
I also didn't get a tracking number email like with freeipods.
To top it all off, and listen closely now.......DHL has NO class of shipping that doesn't include a tracking number. o
So, if it's not being shipped DHL now, then something is beyond wrong here.
I also have and open CS ticket which I've been updating, but I'm not getting any responses (after the automated ones), and it's been awhile.[/quotea3bff6a430]
try this
go to http//track.dhl-usa.com/TrackByRef.asp
enter the gratis order number for your Shipper's Reference and your zip code for the U.S. Destination ZIP. adjust the beginning and end ship dates, if needed.
see if any shipment pops up.
02-02-2005 17:30:19
One does, and it's not mine.
The Gratis order number has nothing to do with DHL, as it's not a tracking or account number, so I didn't really expect that to work, anyhow.
Now if you could provide the actual reference or shipping account number from a recent iPod Photo shipment, I might be able to narrow it down to my zip code.
Thing is, I already called DHL before my earlier post, not only to find out if they ship [i9a8efcda89]anything[/i9a8efcda89] without a tracking number (which they don't), but also for them to find it without the tracking number, and they couldn't.
I'm starting to think that they just changed my status to shipped, but didn't ship the product. (
02-02-2005 17:48:10
[quote61fac85c80="Tholek"]One does, and it's not mine.
The Gratis order number has nothing to do with DHL, as it's not a tracking or account number, so I didn't really expect that to work, anyhow.
Now if you could provide the actual reference or shipping account number from a recent iPod Photo shipment, I might be able to narrow it down to my zip code.
Thing is, I already called DHL before my earlier post, not only to find out if they ship [i61fac85c80]anything[/i61fac85c80] without a tracking number (which they don't), but also for them to find it without the tracking number, and they couldn't.
I'm starting to think that they just changed my status to shipped, but didn't ship the product. ([/quote61fac85c80]
Tholek, why do you have your date and time blurred in your signature? Is that so Gratis can't track it?
02-02-2005 17:53:07
[quotea386992409="Tholek"]One does, and it's not mine.
The Gratis order number has nothing to do with DHL, as it's not a tracking or account number, so I didn't really expect that to work, anyhow.[/quotea386992409]
actually it does.
i did this process and it worked for me.
more info here http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=4996
scroll to the middle and see my screenshot. it worked for me.
the "one does and it's not mine"...what did the item description say? if it had anything indicating "iPod", your item might have gotten lost.
02-02-2005 19:38:05
[quotec8f5603ce4="techdude05"][quotec8f5603ce4="Tholek"]One does, and it's not mine.
The Gratis order number has nothing to do with DHL, as it's not a tracking or account number, so I didn't really expect that to work, anyhow.[/quotec8f5603ce4]
actually it does.
i did this process and it worked for me.
more info here http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=4996
scroll to the middle and see my screenshot. it worked for me.
the "one does and it's not mine"...what did the item description say? if it had anything indicating "iPod", your item might have gotten lost.[/quotec8f5603ce4]
The sender and recipient were far removed physically, and figuratively from iPods, believe me. D
If what you said was true, that the Gratis order number correlates with DHL tracking, then I should have seen something remotely associated with an iPod vendor, Gratis themselves, and a residential recipient.
There was none. (
Again, I personally phoned DHL and had them check my zip/name from the time that Gratis changed my status to shipped, and there was nothing they could find.
This could be evidence that my shipment went by another carrier, but I have no evidence of that. Just that everyone else getting iPods seems to be getting them from DHL lately. (Even iPod Photo's)
[quotec8f5603ce4="J4320"]Tholek, why do you have your date and time blurred in your signature? Is that so Gratis can't track it?[/quotec8f5603ce4]
For the same reason people blur their order numbers, I guess. Identifying info that could be exploited. I'm on the fence about adding those sig pics anyhow, but it looks nice, so they're there for the time being. )
02-02-2005 20:12:47
Yeah. Maybe Gratis can track the thing by the exact time or whatever. But I have nothing to hide from Gratis anyway.
03-02-2005 08:10:57
it seems that EFulfillment is the only company Gratis uses that ships DHL. My Nintendo DS came through another company called "Fillpoint" who shipped through UPS. So there is a chance that all the Photoipod orders are going through Fillpoint as well, or are going through a totally different vendor altogether.
03-02-2005 13:00:00
[quote8374b3ac1e="Drakier"]it seems that EFulfillment is the only company Gratis uses that ships DHL. My Nintendo DS came through another company called "Fillpoint" who shipped through UPS. So there is a chance that all the Photoipod orders are going through Fillpoint as well, or are going through a totally different vendor altogether.[/quote8374b3ac1e]
Actually, in another thread, someone posted that they got their Gratis iPod Photo via Airborne Express (=DHL), so unless they changed it, DHL [i8374b3ac1e]was[/i8374b3ac1e] shipping them, at least for a time.
Still, if everyone else is able to use the method that techdude posted, then I wonder about who's shipping mine.
[quote8374b3ac1e="J4320"]Yeah. Maybe Gratis can track the thing by the exact time or whatever. But I have nothing to hide from Gratis anyway.[/quote8374b3ac1e]
Neither do I. (That's an odd take on it, by the way) ?
What concerned me, is how people were finding shipping info for specific shipments (here, and on GL) by using general account numbers etc for FedEx and others. Maybe I'm being over cautious, but I'm thinking if I went shipped with a lot of other people, then maybe someone could pinpoint my package by the time shown, and try to pull some crap.