Does donating work?

Live forum:


30-01-2005 15:47:33

I am thinking of trying this donation thing, however I was wondering of anyone out there has tried it (I know you are out there somewhere) D

Before donating, I want to hear if it worked for you.

How many greens and yellows did you get, and for what site, when you donated.

This will greatly help out my mind. It could also encourage others to donate and I would like to see stay open.

New Guy


30-01-2005 15:55:49

Double post....


30-01-2005 16:26:29

Sorry, just in case someone doesn't see it in free ipods forum


30-01-2005 22:26:30

FreeiPodguide will stay open) I doubt it might close anytime soon - it's just too popular to close)


31-01-2005 07:02:55

I know, I just want to know if donating works?


31-01-2005 09:41:32

Donations don't guarantee you any referrals, or sign-ups. It's for keeping the site alive. It might get you referrals, but at the same time it might not.


31-01-2005 11:44:34

I donated and my link never even went up. So there nothing is definate.


31-01-2005 21:59:45

I donated, got ZERO referrals even though I saw my link on the site. That was $10 down the toilet. Oh well, at least now I know about alternative ways to try to get referrals.


02-02-2005 15:48:38

i donated and got 1 sign up on freedesktop pcs i was very mad lol


02-02-2005 16:27:21

Main Entry [bffe89d13f9]do·nate[/bffe89d13f9]
Pronunciation 'dO-"nAt, dO-'
Function verb
1 to make a gift of; especially to contribute to a public or charitable cause[/colorffe89d13f9]

as you can see above donations aren't meant to give you anything but a clean conscience, lol

donations are gifts. you aren't supposed to expect anything in return.


02-02-2005 16:56:38

I know thats what it means to donate, lol

however a lot fewer people would donate without getting anything out of it, and in this case all 5 referrals as it states that everyone has received is worth donating, and this is not the case.

Someone needs to change that sign on the donation links. wink