29-01-2005 21:19:25
What happens after you get 5 greens? I am almost there and I was just wondering how long it takes from getting 5 greens to getting your free ipod...
29-01-2005 21:25:17
[quote9f0fa11193="rbmerc"]What happens after you get 5 greens? I am almost there and I was just wondering how long it takes from getting 5 greens to getting your free ipod...
give it two weeks
30-01-2005 18:40:02
You apply to get your account approved, than the order goes into processing, than sent to vendor (stv), than finally shipped )
30-01-2005 18:44:55
It all depends. Some take longer than others to get approved. I was approved in 3 days and it took them a week to ship my ipod D
30-01-2005 21:28:27
Depends on who's offering it too.
I got my 20GB from Gratis months ago, and it took forever to receive, and the Photo from Gratis took a month to go from STV to shipped. (I'm still waiting for that one)
Gratis has apparently improved recently, but [i68f83b49b9]none[/i68f83b49b9] of them are overnight. ;)