If i am in my approval status stage, can i still have people sign up for me? i have a friend who wants to sign up under me but i already submitted for approval yesterday and have 5 greens.. or is it a waste to have her give me another green? will it update?
27-01-2005 12:31:31
Yes, it would be a waste. The only way it would help you is if one of your greens was disqualified for some reason. You might want to have them wait until you are approved, just in case. If you are approved have them sign up under someone else.
hope that helps.
27-01-2005 15:13:36
I would just have them sign up under you just in case, then have them do an offer. Because if one ref doesn't qualify, you will have another ref almost about to get credit for an offer. It'll speed things up. If the ref didn't sign up, then you would tell the ref to sign up and do an offer. And then you will have to wait longer to get credit for the ref.
27-01-2005 16:46:28
I got 4 of my greens since I have requested for my approval.
27-01-2005 16:49:39
All thanks to your secret method. Wow... 242 yellows amazing.
27-01-2005 18:57:53
242 is 239 wasted referrals, I hope you're proud of yourself.
27-01-2005 19:11:18
Wow, harsh. That's a large waste but you're getting a shuffle.
With all of those referrals you could have been on the way to getting a laptop.
But geez, I would really like to know your secret.
27-01-2005 19:36:26
If he's telling anyone his secret it's gonna be me he said. And I don't want everyone knowing. It'll ruin it. And I'm sure he thinks the same.
27-01-2005 19:58:15
all my yellows are retarded 12-17 year old kids with no ccs or skeptical people who sign up with fake emails but out of those handfuls i get a few greens so dont say they are a waste, they were trash to begin with.
27-01-2005 20:06:28
[quoteadb78e1952="JOSHBOX"]all my yellows are retarded 12-17 year old kids with no ccs or skeptical people who sign up with fake emails but out of those handfuls i get a few greens so dont say they are a waste, they were trash to begin with.[/quoteadb78e1952]
Josh- put this code into your sig. It is a processing thing for the shuffle. The end of the order number is smeared so it will be true to yours. Here is the code if you want it-
{img="}http/" alt=""/img105.exs.cx/img="105/8170/freeshuffleipod1ui.jpg{" alt=""/img}
Put that in your sig. Instead of { } put [ ]
Thought you might want that.
Someone hates me... +karma for this? Just as a favor.
27-01-2005 20:10:06
yeah but if i did that you guys wouldnt be able to gawk at my ridiculous ammount of yellows
27-01-2005 20:12:17
Oh.... So you want to get PM's from people.
27-01-2005 20:25:37
What can I say... Im an attention whore. -D