22-09-2004 16:16:26
People that have completed their offeres after me, AND switched after me are reporting that they're receiving their ipods BEFORE me.
What the fuck is going on? Why is it that people that have waited a month+ and switched days after me are getting their god damn ipods? It's an outrage.
I'm an 8/20, stv 8/24, and switched between 9/10 and 9/12. Now why in the hell are people that switched on like 9/13-14 getting their ipods? I know this shit is free, but still, it's not like I didn't commit to some LAME ass offer and do the work everyone else did BEFORE alot of people.
This is total and utter bullshit.
If I get my ipod tomorrow and my status still hasn't changed to "shipped", I guess I won't be so pissed....
22-09-2004 16:18:35
maybe tehy just dont like you, but thats just a theory
22-09-2004 16:19:48
[quotefdabb533c5="DisastirousMurmur"]maybe tehy just dont like you, but thats just a theory[/quotefdabb533c5]
I don't know why they wouldn't like me... I'm just so fucking polite. twisted
22-09-2004 16:20:57
[quote32d0e2dd25="DisastirousMurmur"]maybe tehy just dont like you, but thats just a theory[/quote32d0e2dd25]
thats a reasonable theory
22-09-2004 17:08:56
take out the maybe and it makes perrrrfect sense
Gratis won't ship to minorities. It's in their TOS.
22-09-2004 21:16:46
STFU and wait like everyone else...some wait more than others, but everyone waits...nuff' said
[quote3d218f0c63="DisastirousMurmur"]da, whats that mean???[/quote3d218f0c63]
It means they don't ship to non-whites or women. TOS=terms of service.
I'm pretty sure I was joking, though.
[quotee42e340532="hacktek"]Racist slurs....bad...[/quotee42e340532]
no slur involved there, buddy.
22-09-2004 21:25:35
[quote16a640f18e="hacktek"]STFU and wait like everyone else...some wait more than others, but everyone waits...nuff' said[/quote16a640f18e]
i bet my balls fit perfectly in your mouth.
22-09-2004 21:27:07
[quoteebab287f37="hacktek"]Racist slurs....bad...[/quoteebab287f37]
i dont think "minority" qualifies as a racist slur
22-09-2004 21:29:23
Hmmm...lemme think? Nah...i just think u should stop bitchin' since ur getting a gadget worth 300 bucks for free. And i'm really sure the 6 to 8 weeks(gratis asks u to wait for delivery) haven't gone by for you. That's why i think u should shut the hell up and wait. Thank you.
22-09-2004 22:48:09
hacktek... that is the most [idae856e8dc]ILLOGICAL[/idae856e8dc] crock of shit i've ever heard. hahaha just kidding lol great point.
22-09-2004 22:51:05
lol that was pretty funny! karma fo' ya foo' D
22-09-2004 22:52:43
you as well my well-witted friend.