24-01-2005 13:05:08
after 2 buisness days on ship to vender, ive been shipped (apparently 3 days ago according to dhl's traking) and the arrival date is the 25th!
24-01-2005 13:22:50
Mine arrived a day early. Better watch your mail! ) Sorry if I got your hopes up. No I'm not! hahahahaha
Way to go man! Are you going to do any other offers next?
I'm wondering if anyone has actually been able to get a free notebook.
24-01-2005 13:57:02
Woooo!!!! Shipped. Gatman where do you live? I'm on the east coast.
24-01-2005 16:07:32
Ah you're closer to MI than I am P
I can wait till tomorrow )